FAQ - Certification

The certification process for management systems can be quite confusing at times. We would like to provides answers to many questions regarding the certification of company management systems.

The Certification Process

In order to buy an ISO Certificate, you need to request an certification audit with a certification body (e.g. Stratlane). The auditors will review your management system documentation and interview the key people responsible for special aspects of this management system. Once the conformity of the document is confirmed by the lead auditor, the certification body will issue a certificate valid for 3 year 

After your management system has been successfully audited, you will receive the certificate. The certificate is 3 years valid.

During this 3 year period, you will have to proof in the annual surveillance audits that your management system is still compliant. Should you have neglected your documentation and not be actively implementing the policies you agreeded to comply with, then the certification body may recall the certificate. That is why you should regularly update your documentation and conduct internal audits. After the 3 year period you will need to request a recertification audit.

The Certification Audit

When a certification body dispatches an audit team, they will inspect the management system documentation. They will try to verify that the system is compliant with the selected standard (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 27001)

The certification body appoints an experienced auditor to be a lead auditor. This prerson can lead a team of auditors and handle all the key paperwork associated with the certification process. In order to ensure each audit is consistent, such a lead auditor must be proficient in the certification body's procedures and documentation.

We audit and certify your industry specific management system in accordance with a variety of ISO standards. Our experienced auditors inspect documentations in a variety of european languages. To find out more, please choose a certification standard from below. 

Let's Get Your Company Certified!

Make use of our certification services so that your businesss gains the competitive advantage of having accredited ISO certifications.