Why become an ISO 42001 auditor?
The adoption of artificial intelligence opens up career opportunities in field of ISO 42001 auditors. People with a technical and organizational understanding of AI as well as information security should listen up:
ISO 42001 for aI Technology?
Organizations using AI for a variety of activities are increasingly being scrutinized, when their usage of artificial intelligence is not governed by an AI Management system framework. Sometimes sensitive data is being processed by AI in a pontentially harmful way. It not only affected those whose data s processed but also data workers in developing countries who experience PTSD due to the content they are manually verifying. That is why ethical and sustainable AI requires more than just legislation. Organizations need to become transparent and accountable in regards to their aI activities.
The education path to become an ISO 42001 auditor
In order to become an ISO 42001 auditor you have to gain knowledge and experience in order to be able to act as a compentent and trsutworthy auditor. As you eventually gain experience as a co-auditor, you eventually rise to become a lead auditor and then a senior auditor. The audit of an artificial intelligence management system requires an understanding of the certification process as well as ISO 42001 standard.
Step 1: Training in ISO 42001 and auditing
In order to be knowledgable enough to know how to competently conduct an audit, you need to take courses. Stratlane has teamed up with expereinced auditors, scientists and training facilitators to provide an affordable and effective training for future ISO 42001 auditors. The trainings have been designed to build upon each other to provide the best possible knowledge and practical capabilities. The training is structured as follows:
- ISO 42001 Foundation Training Course
- ISO 42001 Internal Auditor Training Course
- ISO 42001 Lead Auditor Training
- ISO 42001 Audit Documentation Training

Step 2: Experience iSO 42001 audits as a Trainee Auditor
Once you have passed all 4 training courses, it is time for you to learn from experienced lead auditors how an ISO 42001 audit is conducted. By getting your fir st hand on opportunity to join an audit team, you are gien a chance to exercise auditing. Lead auditors will provide you with a practical coaching that will become a solid foundation to level up your audit competence. With this confidence you will soon become an apointed auditor. Nevertheless, until you reach the next level, you will need to have accompanied audits for a total of 10 days or 80 audit hours.
Step 3: Appointment as iSO 42001 co-auditor
After completing your trainee training section, you will have to pass an examination. This is called an auditor monitoring where a senior auditor will evaluate your ability to conduct an ISO audit according to the ISO 42001 standard and ISO 17021 requirements. Once you have successfully passed, you will be appointed by stratlane certification body as an iso auditor. From then on you may accompany a lead auditor. Together you will be conducting audits. As you expand your hands on experience, you will gain a wider toolset. From here you may apply to level up towards becoming a lead auditor.
Now that you have gained a basic understanding on how to become acompetent ISO 42001 auditor, it is time to get you started on an exciting career path. For this next step, get in contact with our auditor competence developers.
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A Few Words About Us
Stratlane Certification is an innovative Certification Body using AI and experienced industry experts to audit organizations.