What is ISO 27017 demanding from organizations using cloud computing as part of their business model?

The ISO 27017 standard provides guidance to organisations using cloud computing. This affects those who provide this technology and those organizations that use the technology as part of their business processes. It is important for ISO 27001 certified organizations to handle data protection, access control and incident response in order to comply with ISO 27017 and NIS 2.0. The national implementations of the EU regulation NIS 2.0 are increasingly demanding that business users of cloud services become ISO 27001 certified. Some jurisdictions are already announcing, that they will also expect an extention of the ISO 27001 certificate with an ISO 27017 advanced audit. Since ISO 27017 can not be certified without having an ISO 27001 certification audit, this adds complexity to innovative organizations.

ISO 27017 Certification for cloud computing

Companies wanting to be compliant with ISO 27017 will need to put extra effort into the documentation of their information security management system. They will add more security policies and measures to ensure they are addressing all key aspects, that are relevant to the standard and their particular use of cloud computing technology. If you want to be on the safe side, you can book an ISO 27001 certification audit with an extention time for inspection of ISO 27017 related policies and procedures.

What is cloud computing?

The term “cloud computing” refers to cloud services. This includes servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence. Users benefit from faster access and innovation. These flexible resources replace traditional inhouse Servers. Scalability is a great advantage for growing businesses.

What are the 4 types of cloud computing?

The 4 types of cloud computing are public clouds, private clouds, hybrid clouds, and multiclouds. There are also 3 types of cloud computing services: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platforms-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).

Well known examples of cloud computing are Emails, Google calendar, Zoom, and Salesforce.  They make use of the cloud ability of remote accessibility of data.

Why is this important to you?

Most businesses and government organisations are having to increase their efficiency by implementing a digital workflow. This requires them to abandon paperwork and focus on using digital systems to process data. The tax authorities are also pushing businesses aof all sizes to provide proof of clean business activities by operating a digital accounting system and holding relevant business transactions as digital evidence. By becoming more efficient, companies can lower their operational costs and increase their ability to scale their revenue. This dependency on digital systems makes them vulnerable to cyber crime and digital fraud. That is why information security is an important aspect of protecting a brand’s reputation.

9 Reasons to use an ISO 27001 certified Cloud Computing Provider

Information security usually has its price as it requires information technology businesses invest more effort into their defenses. Unfortunately, pricing is no real indicator for the reliability of such a cloud computing business. Here are 9 key reasons for choosing an ISO 27001-certified cloud computing provider:

  1. Mindfulness
  2. Independent audits
  3. Conforming to guidelines
  4. Competitive advantage
  5. Increase trust
  6. Exhibit obligation
  7. Better incident recovery
  8. Less vacation, less hustle
  9. Think globally

Mindfulness of certified cloud providers

An ISO 27001 certified cloud service provider shows that they are committed to data protection and responding timely to data breach incidents. Many innovative SaaS businesses use cloud computing to host their AI driven processes. That is why it is important to make sure the cloud infrastructure matches the requirements of ISO 27017 as well as ISO 27018.

Independent audits observe ISO 27017 guidelines

By requesting a certification audit by an accredited certification company, you can be assured that the audit team will observe the requirements of ISO 27017. It is necessary to highlight to the lead auditor that your business is providing or using cloud computing. if you are not sure, whether you need to add additional ISO Standards to the audit, then best ask for advice from the certification body. As previously mentioned, the different jurisdictions are increasingly demanding proof from employers that they are actively protecting customer data as well as employee data. Therefore, it is a best practice to check the relevant standards to make sure you haven’t left out an important security control that could lead to a substantial nonconformity. You do not want to run into non-conformities during a certification audit as they can lead to a certificate not being issued in time.

A Few Words About Us

Stratlane Certification is an innovative Certification Body using AI and experienced industry experts to audit organizations.